Arrival and Departure Policy

Arrival and Departure Policy

The daily attendance book is a legal document and all children must always be signed in and out of their room each day and the time of delivery and collection noted. The Attendance books are located on top of the lockers in each room. This is essential for your children’s safety in the event of an emergency situation and is necessary if you are entitled to claim Childcare Benefit. Parents/guardians need to be sure a staff member is told of your child’s arrival and departure each day. It is the policy of the Centre that no child in care may be collected by any person under the age of 16 years. Only persons designated in the daily attendance book will be allowed to collect the child without prior verbal or written notice. Only persons who are nominated on your enrolment forms as authorized collectors will be allowed to collect your child from the centre, your child’s forms can be updated at the office by Parent/guardians at any time with the Director/Senior staff. Staff will require verbal or written notification of collection arrangements that differ from the normal routine. Photo identification will be required on arrival of a person not known to staff to verify who they are before the child can be collected.  Your child will not be released into the care of any person suspected of intoxication. It is important that staff are informed if your contact number for the day is different to those that the Centre has recorded on file, these can be recorded in the comment section of the attendance book or in the Communication book.  If you are going to be delayed more than an hour after your scheduled collection time, please ring the centre to relieve any anxiety of your child and staff.