- We aim to provide learning opportunities for children regardless of age, gender or cultural background to engage in a variety of developmentally appropriate experiences both indoors and outdoors. Working in partnership with families, educators use the Practices and Principles and the five learning outcomes of the Early Years Learning Framework to guide their programming for all children and families.
- We believe programming is spontaneous and develops according to children's individual developing interests whilst at the same time nurturing children’s wellbeing . We believe children are competent and capable and can actively construct their own learning that is holistic and dynamic. We believe children learn and develop when given opportunities to make decisions, choices and problem solve.
- We believe that reflection is an important aspect of the Early Years Learning and Development Framework therefore it is important for us as educators to continually evaluate our pedagogical practices. This will provide us with the opportunity to not only further ourselves as educators but to improve the practices of the centre also.
- Educators observe, reflect and evaluate regularly to assess the children’s progress and to plan for further learning.
Individual portfolios are created to store children’s learning, observations and stories and children and families are encouraged to contribute and revisit events and learning experiences.
- We aim to help children learn about and implement sustainable practices and foster respect and care for the living and non-living environment. Children develop positive attitudes and values about sustainable practices by engaging in learning experiences, joining in discussions that explore solutions to environmental issues and watching adult’s model sustainable practices.
- To continually improve and maintain a high quality service we rely on family, children, management and educator feedback. Through surveys and formal and informal discussions, service policies and procedures are reviewed, implemented and modified when needed.
Reviewed 2016
Sources: Early Childhood Australia
The Department of Education and Early Childhood Development
Australian Children's Education and Care Quality Authority (ACECQA)